[Download PDF] Health and Physical Education grade- 8 in English: Class 8 new syllabus health book

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Table of content in Health PDF

There are 2 sections in this book 1st one is Health and the second one is Physical Education.


UnitTopicPage Number
1Human Body1
2Personal Health15
5Adolescents, Sexual and Reproductive Health38
6Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco48
7Environmental Health52
8Safety and First Aid59
9Family and Community Health67

Physical Education

UnitTopicPage Number
3Physical Training80

This book is made by CDC Nepal. This is one of the compulsory subjects for class 8 students who live in Nepal. In the first section, there are a total of 9 units and the second section has a total of 6 units. if you need a health book n the Nepali language please visit book364.

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Class 8 Health book PDF

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Class 8 Health book in Nepali

Health in Nepal is generally good, with a low incidence of major diseases. However, there is a lack of access to quality medical care, and a high incidence of poverty and malnutrition.

The Nepali health system is based on a tri-partite system, with public, private and voluntary sectors. Public health facilities are usually good, but there is a lack of specialist care. Private hospitals are expensive, but offer a better range of facilities. However, the quality of care in private hospitals varies, and many are run by mafia gangs.

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