[Download PDF] Class 4 Maths Book in Nepali 2079: New Grade 4 Math Book in Nepali

open class 4 Nepali math book

Table of content

UnitTopicPage Number
1Lines and angles1
2Plane figures8
3Solid objects15
4Number sense26
5Basic operations of mathematic41
6Fraction, decimal and percentage73
12Perimeter and area152
13Bill and budget163
14Bar diagram189

How many units are in this pdf book?

There are a total of 15 units in this Nepali class 4 math book.

Download/Read the class 4 Nepali math book

CDC Nepal recently update this class 4 math book in the Nepali language. This PDF book is in the Nepali language so this book name is “गणित कक्षा ४, २०७९

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See also  [Download PDF] Class 4 Nepali Full Book: Nepali Book Grade 4, 2079