[Download PDF] Class 8 Nepali Full Book | Class 8 Nepali Guide

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This book is in the Nepali language. The book’s name is नेपाली. This is one of the compulsory subjects for class 8 students. CDC(Curriculum Development Centre) Nepal make this book. This post is all about the class 8 Nepali book.

Table of content

UnitUnit TitlePage Number
3Devkumari Thapa14
7Sip ra shram47
8Bhugolbid Harka Gurung52
9Prakriti ra batabarad60
10Yeuta Ghatana68
11Dajulai Chhethi75
12Mero Ghar80
13bigyan avishap nabhai bardan84
14Shityakar Rabindranath Thakur95
15Thag samatiyo103
16Computer ra Internet109
17Hami Yeuai Hau115
19Simha ra syal ko katha127
20Nepali Saskriti135
21Sir aaijack nuitan143
class 8 Nepali book topic

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For students in the primary grades, learning one’s mother tongue is crucial because it fosters the growth of students’ cognitive skills, cultural identity, and communication abilities. It also lays the groundwork for other academic subjects and languages. Furthermore, since Nepal’s official language is Nepali, it’s crucial for students to learn it in order to participate fully in and comprehend their society.

Class 8 Nepali Guide

This class 8 Nepali book full guide is totally free for all class 8 Nepali students. Just download it from your mobile phone and read it any time you like. This guidebook is very new and useful for class 8 Nepali students. A very short depo is given below. The post starts with “Nepal” poems.

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“नेपाल कविताका लेखक सिद्धिचरण श्रेष्ठ हुन् । उनको जन्म मृत्यु (१९६९–२०४७) मा भएको थियो । यो कविता उनको बहु सन्देश दिने कविता हो । उनले यस विकताको माध्यमबाट धेरै प्रकारका सौन्दर्यहरु, पुर्खाले दिएको योगदानहरुको चित्रण गरिएको छ ।
    नेपाल प्रिय, पवित्र र सुन्दर देश देखाउँदै संगीत समान सुमधुर लयबद्ध छहराहरुको देशको रुपमा चिनाएका छन् । पानैपाना पल्टाएजस्ता खुला पर्वतीय प्राकृतिक कला सौन्दर्यको वर्णन कविले गरेका छन् । नेपाल बहुमूल्य प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य हिमाल, पहाड, तराइले सजिएको अधिकतम पक्षलाई समेट्दै उनले नेपाली जाती, प्रकृति, इतिहास र संस्कृतिका विशेषताहरु केलाउने प्रयत्न गरेका छन् । 
    नेपाल कवितामा कविले पुर्खाहरुको रगत, पसिना, त्याग तपस्याले देशको सृजना भएको चर्चा गरिएको छ । हाम्रा पुर्खाहरुले ज्यानको बाजी लगाएर देशको राष्ट्रिय स्वाभिमानलाई उच्च बनाएका छन् । बहादुर गौरवशाली पुर्खाहरुको रगत प्रत्येक नेपालीको नसा–नसामा बगिरहेको छ । संकटको घडीमा समेत हाँसीखुसी उनले देशको निमित्त बलिदान दिएका छन् । पुर्खाहरुको योगदानले नै आज हाम्रो पहिचान बनाएको भन्दै उनीहरुको उदाहरणीय अभिव्यक्ति यस कवितामा गरिएको छ । ………………….”

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Class 8 Nepali Book Guide Application

We are also in google play apps. Just download our application and use it for free. This application is made for class 8 Nepali teachers and students. class 8 Nepali book guide application is provided to you in this post. just search and download it quickly.

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How many units are in this Nepali book?

There are a total of 22 units in this Nepali book.

How to download the class 8 Nepali book Guide

Just search on google play store and download the class 8 Nepali book guide. Best guide book is already provided in this post

Is the class 8 Nepali book important for read?

Yes, you must read class 8 Nepali books if you read in class 8 in Nepal.

Who wrote this class 8 Nepali book

Ramprasad gyawali and the other 2 writers wrote this book.

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