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Class 10 English Book Teacher Guide: SEE English Book Notebook
The reading material is composed by Mr. Sunil Kumar Gharti, Mr. Sushil Upreti and Mr. Bimal Thapa. In Bringing out the reading material here, the commitment of the Director General of CDC Dr. Lekha Nath Poudel is exceptionally recognized. Essentially, the commitment of Prof. Dr. Shashidhar Ram Joshi, Dr. Dipendra Gurung, Ms. Pramila Bakhati, Mr. Nabaraj Paudel, Mr. Jagadish Bhatta, Mr. Dibakar Durdarshi is likewise noteworthy. The substance was altered by Mr. Yubraj Adhikari and Mr. Khil Narayan Shrestha.
The language of this book was altered by Mr. Shankar Adhikari and Mr. Nabin Kumar Khadka. The format of this book was planned by Mr. Khados Sunuwar . CDC stretches out genuine thanks to every one of the people who have contributed in fostering this course reading. Read the full English book hear.
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