Class 9 Social Studies Teacher Guide in Nepali: Grade 9 Social Notebook in Nepali

Class 9 Social Studies Teacher Guide in Nepali: Grade 9 Social Notebook in Nepali

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Class 9 Social Studies Teacher Guide in Nepali

Nepali society is traditionally based on a hierarchy in which the king and aristocracy are at the top, followed by the wealthy and powerful merchants, then the peasantry, and lastly the workers. Nepali society is also traditionally patriarchal, with the male head of the household typically controlling all aspects of family life.

Nepali society is also traditionally closed, with most people maintaining close relationships with their families and neighbors. Nepali society is gradually progressing towards more open and democratic values, but it still has a long way to go.

Class 9 social book read the full book

Grade 9 Social Notebook in Nepali

See also  Class 9 Nepali Teacher Guide: Grade 9 Nepali Notebook

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